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This starts the evidence of the Unconstitutional Actions committed by our America’s Legal System and they have heinously stated, No God is more powerful than the courts of America: We trust in God, and our God has never questioned our opinions, rulings or why we protect all our legal members from any punishment even when they violate the United States Constitution.
I wish this was a fictional declaration by it is not: your soul will be shocked. Shocked, because it is so very hard to believe this much corruption really goes on in our America Legal System. Let me add that the Deep State has too much control over the American Legal System and this weapon is a killer of American Dreams.
Sure, the justices on the Supreme Court are over worked but surely some of them should have understood that fraud and constitutional violations in the lower courts is something that cannot be overlooked or dismissed. Most of the justices will hide behind the Burger Court and deny any wrongdoing but I sent certified letters to a number of justices to make sure my evidence was seen, and they did nothing. The Burger Court won’t apply to those assholes. Here’s the cert pool rule in the Burger Court most will follow:
“The cert pool was established in 1973 during the early days of the Burger Court, efficiently a review of the near 8,000 petitions received each term. In practice, the petitions are apportioned among the Court’s law clerks, who then circulate a memo to the justices recommending a grant or denial. The obvious problem here is that this gives the power in these 8000 cases to the law clerks instead of the Justices. It also, in theory, allows 3rd parties to unfairly influence a case through the clerks.”
I am now officially Thee Beast 666 who was fraudulently convicted for misdemeanors. I became the Beast when the United States Supreme Court dismissed all my factual evidence and tried to put the last nail in my coffin. Yes, I had to take my evidence for fraudulent misdemeanors all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court. With their dismissal of my factual evidence, that’s when this Vet declared war on the American Legal System.
I want to expose them because they have this god damn self-imposed immunity law that protects their freaking asses. That law: You cannot sue judges for actions they took in their official capacity. thus, a judge who decides a case against you cannot be sued. So, who is above our laws, and no one can touch them, OMG it is the assholes which I’m about to show you. Just like a god damn fool I believed the American Legal System was ethical, honest, upholding our Constitution and providing equal protection under the law, what a crock of shit they have sold us. The court rooms show signs of: In God We Trust but the fuckers know they are the only God in control.
These people are truly above our laws, they should be crucified. This much corruption is heinous and appalling.
ATTORNEY DAVE RIDGE – Now a fucking Judge
Click Me!!!
JUDGE ERNEST DESANTIS JR. – Original Trial Judge
Click Me!!!
JUDGE SEAN MCLAUGHLIN – Erie Federal Court Click Me!!!
JUDGE SUSAN PARADISE BAXTER – Magistrate in Erie Federal Court
Click Me!!!
MARSHALL PICCININI, Esquire – PA Deputy DA’s Office
Click Me!!!
Click Me!!!
PERSON IN CHARGE OF FREE TRIP forcing Agent fraud – Erie Insurance and Agents?
The saddest part of this very true story is that the stepdaughter has never realized that she has committed any perjury and still doesn’t know that the death threats and fears are totally fake. The stepdaughter still suffers with these false memories of violent abuse and death fears today just because our judges are so protective of their god damn legal system. Thus, it’s going to take a beast to expose these evil animals and I’m that fucking beast.
Adults Only – 666 attacks the America’s Legal System
I firmly believe members of this court must all agree to add or change any of our laws just like a jury trial.

These Supreme Court Gods have allowed a DA to hide perjury evidence of their key witness, they have allowed a DA to lie and commit fraud upon a Federal Court, they have allowed ineffective assistance of counsel, they have allowed a judge to deny a change of venue just to guarantee an illegal conviction, and they have allowed a federal judge to believe perjury evidence was dismissed in the lower court with no evidence and dismissed every motion to prove the fucking DA’s lies. They have allowed a lifetime of torture upon a girl by dismissing the forged insurance policies that were used on Kathryn S. Boyd to prove to Kathryn that death threats were real, this is heinous. These death threats were wrongfully and willfully orchestrated and started by her own freaking mother. What kind of person would ever use death threats as a weapon to kill the love of a child and would cause that child to be tortured for life? They had hidden the Rape Crisis counselor that would have proven the induced perjury of Kathryn and her brainwashing. I don’t want Kathryn charged with perjury, but I want these bastards and bitches who allowed and caused Kathryn’s brainwashing to be punished severely, yet it appears they are above our laws. When you see all the evidence that I have against these animals you may lose your cool and hopefully some of you will demand legal reform. You can believe these evil bastards and bitches are ethical and honorable or you can take a look at the following evidence for yourself and decide just how ethical and honorable they really are. It will take this beast to expose the corruption in our American Legal System and I will show you all the actual evidence of their corruption. I sadly had to take all the no contest misdemeanors all the way to the United States Supreme Court with the evidence and then some dumb ass dismissed it with a stroke of a pen. So please look at the following evidence that I have taken from previously submitted court records and decide for yourself just how unethical these bastards and bitches are. It is unbelievable that this much corruption is going on in America and after I served 4 years in the Navy protecting America and then receiving this kind of unethical justice in America is indeed appalling. Our courts should be charged with child abuse because they have allowed a child to suffer with fake death threats and most of them don’t give a shit. That’s why I’m out to get these evil bastards. The collateral damage to all the children and my family is unforgivable and the psychological damage that Kathryn Boyd has endured is heinous. Thus, I must expose their corruption and prove to America that our legal people are not gods but only maggots acting and pretending to be God trustworthy.
Order of the evidence on this website:
- First evidence shows Kathryn denying under oath an indecent assault she filed, denying the filing or going to a Rape Crisis Center and denies that she ever talked to any counselor about be sexually abused when she was younger.
- Next is that Millcreek Police Report she filed, and she denies all this under oath.
- Next is the letter from the Rape Crisis Center proving Kathryn went and did receive sexual counseling which she also had denied under oath. This not only proves perjury, but it also proves Kathryn testified to a totally new and much worst indecent assault and with death threats at the same time she denied a real indecent assault. If the counselor was not hidden by the DA’s office, she could have testified that Kathryn did go to Rape Crisis and did have sexual counseling. The counselor could have never overlooked all the new far worst abuse stories of blow jobs, watching xxx rated videos, hand jobs and death threats to her and her family. All the new fake charges occurred at the very same time Kathryn was having sexual counseling at the Rape Crisis Center for a legally filed indecent assault by four boys. The trained counselor could never have missed the new far worst abuse stories and death threats during sexual counseling. Thus, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania willfully and wrongfully hide this counselor, for they had no case at all. When the U.S. Supreme Court refused to correct this fraudulent conviction thee Beast 666 was created.
- Next is just one of many Motions I filed in the Erie Federal Court after the fucking DA in Erie, PA fraudulently told this Erie Federal Court that my newfound submitted evidence proving perjury of their key witness was dismissed in a Motion of limine in the lower court. How the fucking justice Baxter believed that perjury evidence of the State’s key witness was somehow dismissed in a Motion of limine is appalling especially when the DA never submitted evidence to support his fucking lies. When she repeatedly denied my motions to prove the DA had lied to her court, I found out there was good reason that some women are called bitches or fucking cunts. Sorry this judge blew my fucking mind; nothing was making sense.
- So, after six years in a State prison for these fraudulent misdemeanors I decided to hire an attorney to confirm that the Commonwealth of PA did indeed commit fraud upon a Federal Court. Again, you may wonder why I had to do six fucking years, the parole people said I had to admit guilty to the no contest charges or no fucking parole. I thought fuck you assholes, kiss my ass. These parole fucks knew the plea was a no contest plea for the misdemeanors, but they didn’t give a shit. Anyway, the attorney Mr. Hathaway confirms that he could find no evidence in the record of any Motion of limine as reference by Judge Baxter. This is the proof of the DA lies and that he committed fraud upon your Federal Court, Bitch.
Victim’s Testimony Under Oath – Victim: Kathryn Boyd with Mr. Ridge, my fake attorney
I don’t want Kathryn Boyd ever charged with perjury I only want the bastards and bitches in jail that coached, drilled, and tortured her mind with violent assaults and fake death threats: they need water board treatment just to start their punishment and then jailed or fried in an electric chair.
They turned this young girl into a pathological liar.
Frist Evidence
Keep in mind the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania repeatedly hid all the perjury evidence from the courts by hiding and never allowing the Rape Crisis counselor to ever testify and prove perjury of their key witness and accuser. When I found the evidence, the DA then wrongfully lied to a Federal Court saying all my new evidence submitted showing the disposition of the case to the Rape Crisis Center and sexual counseling was dismissed in the lower court in a Motion of limine. When I found the perjury evidence the fucking bitch (Justice Baxter) in the Erie Federal Court refused to hear my repeated Motions to prove the DA’s fraud and lies. This stupid justice actually believed perjury evidence was somehow dismissed in the lower court and never demanded any evidence from the DA’s office to confirm his lies. So, with a stoke of her pen she fucked me, my entire family and Kathryn. The DA (Mr. Prick-a-sinny), my attorney (Dave Ridge), and Judge (Ernest DiSantis) are worse and even sicker than Justice Baxter. I’m attacking the United States Supreme Court; they take the top spot for refusing to uphold 0ur United States Constitution and have literally offered mafia protection for the corrupt going on in the American Legal System.
2.Next The denied Police Report and sexual counseling
Ms. Kathryn S. Boyd gave a highly detail report of a new sexual assault and denies the indecent assault above. If prosecutors had not hidden a filed police report and the Rape Crisis counseling, the counselor could have confirmed that Kathryn did go to Rape Crisis Center and did indeed receive sexual counseling. Thus, Kathryn was indeed asked about being sexually abuse for sure: confirming her lies upon lies. The prosecution knew the sexual counselor could testify that she could never have missed Kathryn’s new stories of forced hand jobs, watching x rated movies, wanting blow jobs and death threats upon the young girl, so they wrongfully and willfully hid the perjury evidence.
Sadly because of all the corruption going on in our American Legal System, it took me years behind bars to finally get the following evidence just to officially confirm Kathryn did indeed receive sexual counseling as the Police Report showed. Even the dumbest attorney could have found this perjury evidence much faster than I could from prison. Worst yet with all the court delays, the prison board said I had to admit guilt to the charges of the no contest plea or no parole. Sadly, I said fuck you and did the six years. It was a matter of principals which they didn’t understand.
3.Next Letter from Rape Crisis proving perjury of the State’s key witness.
4. Next Motions filed in Federal Court about Fraud in her court.
First let me tell you the fucking DA of Erie, PA told this Erie Federal Court that my evidence proving perjury was dismissed in a Motion of limine in the lower court. So without any evidence she dismissed every fucking Motion I submitted, to prove the DA had lied and committed fraud upon her court. Bitch blew my mind.
Here’s one of my Federal Court Motions for a hearing to prove that the DA was lying and committing fraud upon a Federal Court. I showed Federal Justice Baxter Kathryn’s sworn testimony and the Millcreek Police Report showing disposition of the case to the Rape Crisis Center. The bitch would not give me a hearing to prove that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lied. I then submitted all of it to her boss Justice McLaughlin and that bastard dismissed it. This bitch and her asshole boss just believed the fucking DA when he told the court that the perjury evidence, I submitted was dismissed in the lower court in a motion of limine. The bitch even stated in her dismissal that no evidence was submitted by the DA to support his claim. How in the hell can any judge actually believe that perjury evidence of the State’s key witness was dismissed? Even a person with an IQ of 70 and lower would know that perjury evidence should not be dismissed in any legal court. All the people who caused this induced perjury should have their tongues removed and that includes the all the court people who helped to reinforced Kathryn’s mind with death threats.
After this bitch said my perjury evidence of the State’s key witness was excluded, I thought this fucking bitch is out of her mind. What fucking court is allowed to dismiss perjury evidence of their key witness? So two years later when I got out of prison, I hired an attorney to search the entire court records for this fucking motion in limine claimed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to see if this any motion was ever excluded. Here’s the documented proof from the attorney who checked the records.
5. Next Attorney confirms the DA lied to a Federal Court.
As a U.S. Vet serving 4 years and honorably discharged so what the hell was I fighting for? I sent all this evidence to the Supreme Court and the fuckers dismissed it all. Surely, we don’t need this kind of justice including the fucking U.S. Supreme Court putting the last nail in my coffin. I have been fighting this corruption for over 20 years now and only a few people want to do anything about it. We need reform badly or all of us will be controlled by this evil and weaponized legal system. They will continue to protect themselves and their friends and keep fucking the rest of us. The corruption in America is truly appalling. They have convinced many American Citizens that they really believe in a God and display ‘In God We Trust’. How Special, you Gods can kiss my ass.
Franke Joseph Sontag
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Why 666 is hosting the antichrist? Click Me!!!
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Both the Beast and I have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; the Beast and I will be attacking and exposing the corruption of our domestic enemies: the United States Legal System and the Democratic Party.